About Me

As a young woman, born and raised in the Midwest, I wanted a career in which I could make a difference, and “do good.” I chose nursing and quickly realized that conventional care allowed little time for teaching about self-care or natural care. I realized the critical need for more attention to beliefs, emotions and personal energy in prevention and healing.

Experience in a wide variety of clinical areas taught me a lot about health and compliance. Several years of teaching at the college level sharpened more skills. My interest in natural care guided my dissertation research on the study of acupressure as a self-care measure for women.

Having observed first-hand what goes on “behind the curtain,” and understanding challenges people face when seeking care, I began speaking to audiences around the United States on wellness, self-care, and personal energy. In more than 25 years of professional speaking I saw the acute need for more transparency in healthcare.

With a deep knowledge and understanding of the health care system, I understand why, for example, so many women choose conventional treatments for breast disease, as women are often unaware of safe, scientific and proven options for care.

Being a witness to so much confusing and conflicting information about breast health compelled me to write "Cherish the Girls: A Well-Rounded Approach to Breast Health and Wellness".

I currently live in Berkeley, California with my husband and our amazing standard poodle. I’m especially grateful to be in a place where I can have a year-round garden.

© Lynn Fraley 2018-2025

Author, Cherish the Girls, A Well-Rounded Approach to Breast Health and Wellness

Speaker, Educator & Mentor
